Environmental policy

Climate change is a legitimate concern and requires companies to take immediate measures as part of their operations. As the market leader, we want to be a pioneer in environmental protection and lead the way for other companies. We monitor the main environmental impacts of our work carefully, provide training for our staff and develop our practices based on the principle of continuous development to minimise the burden on the environment.

In accordance with our responsibility principles and environmental programme, our aim is to eliminate our particulate emissions by 2035.

Finland’s cleanest moving and logistics services – 100% of our fleet runs on non-fossil fuel

Whether it is a question of moving, logistics or event services or any other services we offer, efficient vehicles play a key role in everything we do. We also take environmental aspects into consideration in our fleet.

All our transportation has been fossil-free since 2019, when we switched to using renewable diesel, biogas, and electricity as fuels for our entire fleet. In 2022, we were the first in the world to introduce the electric Volvo FE Electric moving truck with solar panels on the roof. In 2024, 13% of our vehicles will run on electricity, 27% on biogas, and 60% on renewable diesel."

Niemi offers Finland’s cleanest moving services!


The aim of our extensive recycling system is to minimize the environmental impact of the recycled materials and therefore 0% of the materials recycled through us end up in a landfill.

The materials to be recycled are primarily reused through our partners. Non-reusable materials are sorted and recycled, after which they are primarily used as a secondary material and secondarily as energy, thus producing no landfill waste to burden the environment.