Recycling services – no landfill waste!

The aim of our recycling system is to minimize the environmental impact of the recycled materials. The materials are primarily reused and secondarily recovered as energy, thus producing no landfill waste to burden the environment. Our system includes secure document destruction, so you can trust that we will also recycle your confidential materials appropriately.

Recycling services for consumers

Recycling is carried out in a cost-effective manner in connection with your move using the same vehicle and by the same crew. Read more

Recycle unwanted items

When moving, you often notice that you have items you no longer need. Our range of services also includes a recycling service, offering a simple and ecological way to get rid of unwanted items. Your household appliances, furniture and other items will go through an environmentally friendly sorting and recycling process and end up as energy and recycled material, thus minimizing the amount of landfill waste.

Recycling is carried out in a cost-effective manner in connection with your move using the same vehicle and by the same crew. We have developed our own recycling system and equipment which allows us to sort and recycle all items responsibly and appropriately. Our service complies with the Waste Act and regional waste management regulations.

Sohva kierrätykseen

Recycling services for businesses

Niemi® offers your company an opportunity to save on recycling fees. We have developed a recycling system that complies with the main principles of Finnish waste management. Read more

The aim of our recycling system is to minimize the environmental impact of the recycled materials and to recover all waste primarily as material and secondarily as energy, thus producing no landfill waste to burden the environment.

Our service allows your company to save on recycling fees.

The Waste Act imposes an obligation to comply with the order of priority (Waste Act 646/2011, Section 8, General obligation to comply with order of priority).

All activities shall, insofar as possible, comply with the following order of priority: First priority shall be given to reducing the quantity and harmfulness of waste generated. If, however, waste is generated, the waste holder shall first and foremost prepare the waste for reuse or secondarily recycle it. If recycling is not possible, the waste holder shall recover the waste in other ways, including recovery as energy. If recovery is not possible, disposal of the waste shall be carried out.

Our recycling system covers:
  • Recycling of furniture and office equipment
  • Recycling of paper and cardboard
  • Document destruction and recycling
  • Recycling of plastic
  • Recycling of electronic waste

Our recycling service can be combined with your company’s move, allowing you to obtain both moving and recycling services through one partner.

Enjoy major benefits by choosing us as your recycling partner:
  • We sort the materials to be recycled in accordance with the order of priority described in the Waste Act.
  • Our cost-effective approach enables savings in waste fees.
  • We have a clear pricing model so you will know the recycling costs in advance.
  • Our recycling reporting makes it easy for you to follow the final processing of your order, the amount of devices to be recycled as well as the recycling schedule.
  • Our service can be flexibly scaled up from one chair to recycling all office movables.

Secure document destruction

With our service you can ensure that your sensitive documents (personal and pay information, bank statements, receipts etc.) will not be accessed by unauthorized individuals. Read more

Truly confidential document destruction

Our recycling system also includes secure destruction of confidential documents. Our service has been carefully planned and executed from beginning to end.

Your documents will remain protected throughout the process from picking up and emptying the container all the way to the final handling of the shreds. Sensitive documents will remain in the same locked container until they are destroyed.

  • Secure handling throughout the process
  • Materials are transported in a locked container directly to the destruction facility.
  • The destroyed material will be utilized as material or in energy production
  • The security level of the shredder is DIN3 and shred size 6 mm x 50 mm.
  • You will receive a certificate of the document destruction.