A Pioneer in Corporate Responsibility

ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance. It refers to activities and policies related to environmental responsibility, social responsibility, and good governance that form the framework for Niemi's comprehensive corporate responsibility.

Environmental Responsibility (= E) consists of actions against climate change, safeguarding biodiversity, and preventing pollution. Our environmental responsibility focuses include:

  • Electrification of transportation fleet and use of fossil-free fuels to minimize emissions from the supply chain production.
  • Energy efficiency of our properties, including heating, lighting technology, and electricity consumption based on renewable energy sources.
  • Circular economy and Niemi's own recycling system to minimize the environmental impact of recyclable materials.

Social Responsibility (= S) refers to the impact of our activities on people and communities, including our own staff, customers, local residents, subcontractors, and partners. Social responsibility practices promote:

  • Equality, fairness, and inclusivity within the work community.
  • A safe, healthy, and productive work environment.
  • Leadership and management that align with our values.
  • Compliance with legislation and collective agreements.

Good Governance (= G) includes financially responsible business operations, risk management, and preparedness. Activities include:

  • Responsible and ethical procurement relationships.
  • Risk assessment and contingency plans.
  • Anti-corruption measures.
  • Keeping responsibility policies up to date and maintained.

ESG Task Force

Responsibility is an integral part of Niemi's management system, guided by our ESG steering group. The core task of the steering group is to embed responsibility as a natural part of everyday life for every Niemi employee and the company's business operations. This is guided by an annually updated and goal-oriented responsibility action plan (see attachment), which is implemented through staff involvement, training, and communication. Our tools include various projects, responsibility policies, and guidelines, such as operational principles, personnel policy, procurement policy, environmental policy, and data protection policy.

Data Protection Policy

The services we offer are based on trust, and we take anything that could compromise the data protection of our customers or staff very seriously. Our data protection policy defines how Niemi ensures the lawful processing of all personal data and a high level of data protection. We safeguard the data protection of our customers and staff at all stages of our service.

Occupational Safety at the Forefront

We are committed to ensuring a safe, healthy, and responsible working environment for Niemi employees and our customers. Every Niemi employee has the right to go home healthy and unharmed every day. Our only acceptable goal is zero work accidents.

At Niemi, occupational safety primarily means mutual care, accountability, and continuous improvement. We strongly focus on proactive and participatory safety and environmental work. We have set a personal goal for each Niemi employee related to this, encouraging observation, development, and a responsible working culture. We collect all observations and deviations related to occupational safety and the environment, using them as collective learning opportunities. Additionally, we conduct annual safety and environmental walks in various customer locations.

Uniform workwear and ID cards

We are committed to ensuring a safe, healthy, and responsible working environment for Niemi employees and our customers. Every Niemi employee has the right to go home healthy and unharmed every day. Our only acceptable goal is zero work accidents.

At Niemi, occupational safety primarily means mutual care, accountability, and continuous improvement. We strongly focus on proactive and participatory safety and environmental work. We have set a personal goal for each Niemi employee related to this, encouraging observation, development, and a responsible working culture. We collect all observations and deviations related to occupational safety and the environment, using them as collective learning opportunities. Additionally, we conduct annual safety walks in various customer locations.

Occupational safety at the Forefront

We are committed to ensuring a safe, healthy, and responsible working environment for Niemi employees and our customers. Every Niemi employee has the right to go home healthy and unharmed every day. Our only acceptable goal is zero work accidents.

At Niemi, occupational safety primarily means mutual care, accountability, and continuous improvement. We strongly focus on proactive and participatory safety and environmental work. We have set a personal goal for each Niemi employee related to this, encouraging observation, development, and a responsible working culture. We collect all observations and deviations related to occupational safety and the environment, using them as collective learning opportunities. Additionally, we conduct annual safety and environmental walks in various customer locations.

Security Clearances

A limited security clearance has been conducted for some of our movers. This can be arranged for individuals working in sensitive locations. We assign a foreman responsible for operations and safety for each project. 

Safety-Enhancing Moving Equipment

We actively develop and listen to our customers to improve assignments and safety-enhancing equipment. For example, our lockable moving cabinet is the result of many years of product development. The lockable moving box and its lid that we developed have been granted a patent and design protection. With the lockable moving box, you can safely move important documents of the company, such as patient records or, as a home mover, important personal documents. If necessary, we also properly destroy paper documents.

Security services

Through us, you can also get security services during the move or event. During a move, security services may be needed, for example, for the transfer of valuables.