
Niemi Lahti

Väinämöisentie 6
15170 Lahti 

020 554 5660 


On-call number evenings and weekends 0400 645 9577. There is no sales service in this number.

Niemi Lahti opening hours

Our customer service point is open on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. You can pick up the products and return the boxes you have rented during the opening hours of the customer service point. Please place your order in our online shop.

Niemi Lahti serves customers in the Päijät-Häme and South-Eastern Finland regions

Niemi Lahti employs around thirty people in total. The Lahti office is headed by Mikko Korri, Business Director, and corporate customers are served by Maija Laine, Key Account Manager.

There are five trucks, three small trucks and two cars in Lahti. All our vehicles run on fossil-free fuels.

Niemi Lahti offers a wide range of services in the Päijät-Häme and South-Eastern Finland regions, including home removals, business relocations, logistics and work-related logistics. We also have really nice, large storage facilities in Lahti.


Niemi Lahti contact information

Niemi Lahti customers’ feedback

60 Arvostelua

The Niemi Lahti service area includes, among others, following localities

Asikkala  Hämeenkoski  Lahti  Myrskylä  Pyhtää 
Askola  Iitti  Lapinjärvi  Mäntsälä  Savitaipale 
Hamina  Imatra  Lappeenranta  Mäntyharju  Sysmä 
Hartola  Kotka  Lemi  Nastola  Taipalsaari 
Hausjärvi  Kouvola  Loviisa  Orimattila  Virolahti 
Heinola  Kuhmoinen  Luumäki  Pertunmaa 
Hollola  Kärkölä  Miehikkälä  Pukkila 

Niemi Lahden asiakaspalautteita

60 Arvostelua

Niemi Lahden palvelualueeseen kuuluvat mm.