Construction logistics throughout the site lifecycle

At Niemi, logistics always means service: we coordinate, design, store, transport, haul, install and recycle.

We have a long experience in providing construction logistics services carefully, efficiently and professionally. Our core competence is the temporary storage of fixed furniture and building materials, their punctual delivery to construction sites and their forklifting in a manner and on a schedule agreed with the customer. We plan routes and schedules together with the sites, taking into account safety at work.


Efficient Constructrion Logistics

Each of our haulage teams always has a point person, and the contract work is carried out without the client’s supervision. Our professionals can be called in at the time you need them, even on short notice. Once the work is done, they can move on flexibly to the next job, so they don’t have to be employed for the whole day.

By outsourcing all site logistics to us, site staff and other contractors are freed up to do the jobs they are hired to do and where they are most effective.

We also help our clients during the design and foundation phase of the site, and after completion, for example, in the case of housing developments, when residents move in.

Tikasnostin ja logistiikkahenkilö takaa
vetoikärry ja logistiikkahenkilö

Years of experience and professionalism

For on-site assignments, we only use our own, self-trained workforce. We take into account all applicable safety regulations and requirements in all our activities.

Our trained professionals are equipped with the necessary safety equipment (helmets, safety glasses, safety footwear, safety clothing), qualifications and the tools required and appropriate for the job, such as beak trolleys, suction cups, plate trolleys, pallet trolleys and carrying handles.

For material and furniture installations, we quote on a unit or project basis, so that our clients know exactly what the costs will be when planning their projects.


A reliable partner for storage and on-time deliveries

We help our customers to streamline their conctruction logistics by temporarily storing delivery batches and delivering products from the warehouse in the right quantities, at the right time and in the right place.
We can temporarily store small and large delivery batches, from a pack of tiles to full truckloads. The storage period can vary from days to years, depending on the customer’s needs, and we only charge according to the quantities and days delivered.

In the case of custom deliveries, we deliver the products required on site to each yard as unloaded or hauled to the destination.

työmaalogistiikan työntekijät haalaavat ovea

In 2023, we completed more than 3,000 work logistics assignments nationwide. Our construction logistics professionals logged more than 120 000 man-hours for these assignments.


Managing and coordinating the logistics of takt time production

Efficient and high-quality logistics services on site

Responsible and punctual interim storage and deliveries to construction sites

Finland’s leading logistics provider for hotel construction projects

Our transport has been fossil-free since 2019.

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